Yet another. Hamlets


Yet another. Hamlets is a phase along a research process initiated through the MA Studies in Performative Practices (DOCH/SKH 2017-2019). The initial idea of the research was to reconstruct one of the most influential theatrical pieces of western history, Hamlet, without having any knowledge of it. The aim of the research was not to re-write the ”original” Hamlet, rather to reconstruct it through our recollection of it, or else through what one believes to remember.

The interactive installation proceeds by a series of interviews/conversations that generate a performance in fictional layers, which, by interacting with the participant and through the use of digital technologies, interrupt both the continuity of narrative as of temporality. Finally to propose a Hamlet that reconstructs itself through collective (un)knowledge.


Concept and development: Mirko Guido

Developed within the frame of Quadriglia Obliqua Research Project, a collaboration with Cristina Caprioli.

Supported by the Italian Institute of Culture in Stockholm


21-05-2018 at the Italian Institute of Culture in Stockholm


Fictioning Hamlet: Dialogues and Diffractions (2019)


Entities - immersion - (2016)